since the BBBB was finished before the holidays, ive been in no hurry to start another large knitting project. I've been satisfying myself with tiny knitted things that can be started and finished all in one sitting. There is something very satisfying about finishing things to me, I guess its the same reason I like crossing things off of to-do lists (i've even been known to add things to the list just so I can cross them off... so sneaky!) Anyways, after the java jackets, I've made a tiny brown baby beanie for baby D and thats about it. I have about five friends due to deliver babies this spring and summer so i needing ideas for baby gifts (suggestions would be greatly appreciated in this area). So far I'm leaning towards sweaters or knitted pants rather than attempting the blankets again. I feel like if I make a blanket for one friend, I should do it for all of them, and I might not pass my last semester of OT school if i attempted that. Anyways, this is what I've thought up so far, i'm trying to even up the gender specific projects since I don't know how many boys/girls there will be... and I'm hoping none of the mommies to be know about this blog (if you do, close you ears... eyes... whatever...)
1. Another child's placket neck sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts (maybe in grey, yellow, green??)
2. Elizabeth Zimmerman's February sweater from Knitter's Almanac (this ones pretty girlie, but who could resist that pattern?? i love it! pic above is Elliphantom's version... adorable!)
3. Baby's denim drawstring pants (also from LMKG)
4. ?????
I need more ideas!! Anyways, I have plenty to get started on... pics on the progress soon to come, well i need to cast on first, but I'll try hard to get busy! See you soon- amb
you're so talented! i'm so amazed by your mad skills!
ok so i jumped the gun and commented before i read your post. my statement still stands even if you didn't knit this sweater. your other work is so awesome!
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